Saturday, 28 August 2010

New Chickens day 2

After all the fuss and bother yesterday I opened the coop door with some trepidation to find the bluebell now called Madge sitting in the doorway, so I picked her up and carried her to the run.  She fussed a bit, but I got the chance to stroke her and talk to her and she was ok.  My four came thundering out, and I went to get the next hen.  Alice and Bramble had hidden in the nest box, so I had to lean right in and persuade Bramble to let me catch her.  She wasn't impressed, but I carried her out to the run and went back for Alice.  She put up quite a fight, but I'm the head hen, and she eventually was captured and I put her with her friends.
My four started keening again, so I covered the new girls and went to do my paper round.
When I got back I uncovered them again, and my girls got noisy, but John was getting on with the roof, so they were ok with him out there.
Slowly over the day they became used to each other being there.  Even the cowardly Henrietta got brave when she realised they couldn't get her and postured and chased up and down the cube run.
I gave them greens in the afternoon, and rice and mealworms in the evening and when we went in for tea they stayed quiet.
At bed time my girls were already in and I collected the new girls one by one and put them to bed. A successful end to the day.
New roof for the run

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